I should be more careful when looking for nutrition blogs. I found “Cookus Interruptus” a video blog by Cynthia Lair, and got stuck watching the videos for an hour! Not only was I taking notes about the recipes, by the end of the first video I was hooked by the humor and storyline.
The genius behind the blog, Cynthia Lair, is an Associate Professor for Bastyr University’s School of Nutrition and Exercise Science and the Culinary Curriculum Director for their new Culinary Arts Degree program. Cookus Interuptus’ mission is to blend entertainment with whole foods nutrition education. Their story line centers around “Cynthia”, a fresh local organic nutrition educator and cookbook author. She lives with her husband of 25 years, Steve. The economic downturn has her daughter, grandson and Steve’s dad all living in the home. So without a steady stream of income and many more hungry bodies, Cynthia agreed to do a web cooking show in her home, her very busy home. Family life proceeds as usual during shooting, sometimes Steve, Jane, Ward or Darrell pitch in but mostly they interrupt and Cythia saves the world, one recipe at a time.
Have a look, but just be warned, it will be hard to stop watching. Now, excuse me, there is a red soup recipe I’d like to hear about.
~ Dr Kellie
Naturopathic Physician